Automate Kubernetes Cluster Using Ansible

Deepak Sharma
7 min readAug 22, 2021


Hello Everyone,

In this article I am going to show you how to install Wordpress with MySQL Database inside Multi Node Kubernetes k8s cluster on AWS using Ansible.

✨Task Description:-

📌 Automate Kubernetes Cluster Using Ansible

🔅 Launch ec2-instances on AWS Cloud eg. for master and slave.

🔅 Create roles that will configure master node and slave node separately.

🔅 Launch a wordpress and mysql database connected to it in the respective slaves.

🔅 Expose the wordpress pod and client able hit the wordpress ip with its respective port.

Before start the practical demonstration let’s first know brief about all the technologies which going to use to solve the above use-case.

To solve this task, we all have to know about some basic knowledge of these technologies-

  1. Kubernetes
  2. Ansible
  3. Wordpress
  4. or MySql

Now let’s move towards the practical Demonstration of this Task — — — →

✔Step1:- Create Virtual Private Network On AWS

If we want to do customize practical then we also need our own VPC. So here we are going to create a VPC on AWS cloud with Internet Gateway subnet, security group & Routing Table and we will put our cluster instances in this VPC.

Steps to create VPC:-

1) Create a Virtual Private Network

2) Creating a VPC Internet Gateway

3) Creating the Subnet On that VPC

4) Create a Security Group

5) Create a Routing Table

And to create this setup we are taking help from Ansible, So to setup above things I am going to use ansible role for VPC.

below is a command and path used to create ansible role for VPC — →

Now write a ansible playbook for VPC in main.yml file — — — →

In this playbook I have added some variables to create a dynamic playbook , so below is a “vars” file for VPC role — →

Now Run this ansible playbook using below command — →

Here we can see our playbook run successfully. Now let’s check this setup on AWS Portal

Here we can see our VPC setup is done successfully

✔Step2:- provisioning EC2 Instances On AWS Cloud

Here I am going to launch 3 Instances 1 for master node and 2 instances for the slave node. So let’s create a ansible role for provisioning the instances using below command — — →

Now let’s write a ansible playbook for provisioning the instances on AWS cloud

Now let’s run this playbook using below command — — ->

here we can see our playbook is run successfully now let’s check our setup on AWS portal

here we can see our all three instances launched successfully and also in running mode

✔Step3:- Configure Master Node

To form a kubernetes cluster we have to first configure a Master Node. Here I am using a ansible role to configure a master node.

command to create role for master:-ansible-galaxy init <role_name>eg:- ansible-galaxy init kube_master

Following are all steps to configure the master node — — — →

  1. Installing docker and iproute-tc
  2. Configuring the Yum repo for kubernetes
  3. Installing kubeadm,kubelet kubectl program
  4. Enabling the docker and Kubernetes
  5. Pulling the config images
  6. Configuring the docker daemon.json file
  7. Restarting the Docker service
  8. Configuring the Ip tables and refreshing sysctl
  9. Starting kubeadm service
  10. Creating .kube Directory
  11. Copying file config file
  12. Installing Addons e.g flannel
  13. Creating the token
  14. Store token in a file

Now lets involve all this steps in your playbook

In this above playbook I also added variables to make a playbook more dynamic So, below is a “vars” file for this role

here we done with our coding part & our playbook is now ready to run — — — ->

here we can see our master node is configured successfully — — — ->

✔Step4:- Configure Slave Node

Now we also have to configure the slave nodes so that our cluster is completed.

So first create a ansible role for slave node using following command — →

command:-ansible-galaxy init kube_slave

Following are all the steps required to configure slave node:-

  1. Installing docker and iproute-tc
  2. Configuring the Yum repo for kubernetes
  3. Installing kubeadm,kubelet kubectl program
  4. Enabling the docker and Kubernetes
  5. Pulling the config images
  6. Configuring the docker daemon.json file
  7. Restarting the Docker service
  8. Configuring the Ip tables and refreshing sysctl
  9. Copy the join command which we store while configure master.
  10. Run join command.

Now create a ansible-playbook which includes all the above steps — — ->

Now let’s run the above playbook — →

Here we can see our playbook run successfully.

Now let’s check our cluster status on Master node by running below command

here we can see our all 3 nodes are in Ready phase it means our cluster is running successfully

✔Step5:- Lunching WordPress Using MySQL Database on Cluster

Here we have to create a role for wordpress which also link to MySQL Database

In this role we configure below things:

  1. Launching WordPress application
  2. Launching MySQL application
  3. Exposing the WordPress application

So let’s add all this things in our playbook — — ->

Here our playbook is ready to run — — ->

Here we can see our playbook run successfully. It means we successfully deploy the WordPress and MySQL on the cluster.

The MySQL-WordPress playbook is written in such a way that it will show the IP and Ports of database while running.

Here we can see our Database host ip note this ip so that we can use this ip further while login to wordpress

✔Step6:- Now let’s take the IP of any node and port which is given here and check the output..

when we put the Ip and port no of our wordpress application this page will open. In this page we have to put some information like Database name , Username, Password for database & IP address of Database Host

After submitting this page next page will come up — →

In this page also we have add some credentials and then we have to click on “Install Wordpress”

Here we can see our Wordpress launched successfully

So here we successfully completed our Task…..🤗

Hope this article will help you to deploy the Worpress and MySQL application on k8s cluster using Ansible




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